
  • Breathwork Session

    Breathwork is a practice of tuning into your breath with conscious awareness. Each session will be unique to each client but will always involve breathing practices in which the conscious control of the breath may influence a person's mental, emotional or physical state, with a therapeutic effect. A breathwork practice offers space for deep relaxation, to nurture creativity, increase energy levels and can be a wonderful tool for lowering stress levels. Book a Breath Work Session with me.

  • Somatic Coaching

    Somatic Coaching is a sensation-based style of practice which invites the body to lead. Practicing together, we will dive deep into the wisdom of your body through breath, awareness sound and movement. These sessions support clients in unraveling frozen tension & expanding pleasure so it is possible to move towards embodied goals, feeling fully resourced & alive. A body-honoring, feminized way of actualising your passions so you can get shit done without ignoring the needs of your precious body. Book a Session

  • Yoga Nidra

    Yoga nidra means yogic sleep and is a practice that allows participants to raise their consciousness, to deepen their understanding of who they are and their relationship to the world around them. It is a direct path into a complete release of everything that pulls them out of the generous present moment, it creates a space which allows healing to take place and for the frequency of unconditional love and bliss to be felt. It is a practice of self love and deep remembering of who we came here to be.

  • Woven Tarot

    Woven Tarot is a reinterpretation and intentional utilisation of the Tarot as a non-predictive helping tool influenced by my learning in Soul led Tarot as a way to assist in differentiating the noise of your thinking mind from the truth of your heart and soul in the present moment. When Tarot is intentionally utilised as a tool for the soul’s growth, it supports clients to organically release identification with fear, ego, and contraction. It is a means to coming home to yourself in difficult moments and can bring deep medicine and wisdom creating space and opportunity to open up the abundance and endless possibilities that are your birthright

  • Astrology Reading

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